Make sure to get registered for the inaugural SWMO FCA Leadership Breakout
Who Can Attend:
- FCA Huddle/Club Leadership Teams (Adults and Students)
- School Sports Teams (Coaches and Athletes)
- Individuals wanting to get FCA established at their schools
- Disciples who want to make more disciples
What to Expect:
- Connect with others serving in SWMO
- Learn best practices of ministering on Campus and with your team
- Become a disciple who makes disciples
Schedule of Events:
- 830am: Check-in
- 900am: Welcome and Intros
- 915am: Breakout #1: Discipleship/e3
- 1000am: Break
- 1015am: Breakout #2: Ministering on Campus
- 1100am: Break
- 1115am: Breakout #3: Ministering on your Team
- 1200pm: Lunch is Served/Head Home